Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tagging brought me back...

Sorry, I haven't taken the time to enter anything. I have a lot to catch up with, but first things first. I was really surprised to find that I have been tagged. Not only once but twice, I am very honored. Thanks for thinking of me, it really made me feel good.

8 shows I love to watch:

Dog whisperer, (no surprise there)
Michigan State football, while David is still playing
Ball State football, while Pete is still playing
Dancing with the stars
Biggest loser
Without a Trace
Ghost whisperer

8 favorite restaurants:

Boston Market
Don Pablo's
Olive Garden
Outback, love the shrimp
Cracker Barrel
Most any chinese restaurant
McDonald's, yes I know, not very classy,

8 things that happened yesterday:

Went to curves
took a walk with Millie
went grocery shopping
visited a friend
gave Millie a bath, very traumatic for her,
read some blogs
watched Dancing with the Stars
talked to Mom

8 things I am looking forward to:

waking up and seeing Millie
watching the Michigan State and Ohio State game this coming Saturday.
losing weight
going to Church
going to the Temple
the election being over with
going visiting teaching
going to Petsmart with Millie

8 things on my wishlist:

lose weight
I can get another job
I would like a different car
the ability to travel anywhere I could take Millie with me
that I could sing, (I mean in tune)
desktop computer
learn to like to cook
have an organized apartment

8 people I tag:

Sorry the people I know that blog have already been tagged and I don't know anyone else...so unless I retag all of you, I am at the end of tagging...

Friday, July 4, 2008

HAPPY FOURTH of JULY!!!!!!!!!!

I thought I better at least post a thought for this day, considering that it is an important day. I do like the fireworks displays and the opportunity to get together with family and or friends. There are so many things one could say for this special occasion, but I thought I would just post a few pictures and say to everyone that I hope they have had a good day to remember what this day represents.

Millie and I wish you all a Happy 4th of July!!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Garden Special

This is a preview of my patio garden.

I have a grape tomato plant,

a bush tomato plant,

a cucumber plant,

A green pepper plant and a chocolate pepper plant

which I think is more like a purple pepper plant.

I am going to have to get my seeds planted pretty soon. I am looking forward to having really fresh veggies. I do have to say that I hope I have enough tomato plants, because I have to share my tomato's with Millie. She loves tomato's sooooo much.

Not only do I have a watch dog, I also have a guard frog. That's right, I have a tree frog that likes to eat the bugs, and he sometimes resides behind the shutter on my window. Here is a couple of pictures of it, one behind the shutter, the other it was coming out from behind the shutter when I caught it with a picture. It looks like it was mad at me for disturbing it's stalking venture.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Belated Tribute to Peter Rolf's Graduation Day from June 2007

It is graduation time again. This year David, my brother Brian's second son is graduating from High School friday, May 30. I don't have any pictures of it yet and since I didn't do one for the oldest son Pete last year, I thought I would put in a few pictures of his graduation day from June of 2007. He has been going to Ball State University in Indiana, and this will be is sophmore year this coming fall. He is on their football team, I believe he is a linebacker. He has gotten very big and I don't have a current picture, as soon as I get pictures from this year I will add them for your viewing pleasure. These are all from last year, and that is Pete's class and some of his classmates above. Below are :
Brian and Pete in the first picture, David, the current grad, Grandma with Tommy, Charlie, Rachel and Brian in the stands, Pete holding Charlie, Brianna holding Charlie.

That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and there will be more from Davids in the next few weeks.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day: How do I honor it?

I thought I knew what Memorial Day was actually about. In years past I remember we'd go to the cemetery to put flowers at the grave, in particular my fathers. I knew it was more about the veterans and those that had died during military service, but I also thought it was to remember anyone that had passed on. As I have studied this, that appears to be wrong. It is primarily for remembering those that have died in our Nation's service. It is time to pause and think and honor those that have given their lives for my rights and freedoms. That does seem fair, because there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about Dad, but how often do I stop and think about those that have sacrificed their lives for me, someone they don't even know. I am amazed they can do that, and I am truely grateful for it as well.
I know this is the day for honoring those that gave their lives in death, but I don't know anyone who died in the war or any war for that matter. So to still give honor to those that did serve our country and are still serving our country, I wanted to make mention of them here. I also believe they give up part of their lives to serve in the military which is still worth noting and showing respect for.

The first person I know has died, though he didn't die during the war, he gave of his time and his life. He had a wife and small children at home who were depending on him. He was my grandpa, Edmund A. Roth, my mother's father. He served in the Army during World War II, which was from 1939 to 1945. It wasn't till later in his life that I asked him what he did during the war. He told me that he was in Paris, and guarded German prisoners.

The next person is my stepfather, LeRoy Elliott. He was in the Army during the Korean War, from 1951- 53, as an Airborn Paratrooper in the Special Forces 4th division. The one time thing I remember him talking about is how he had to eat whatever he could find when he was in a jungle, such as insects or whatever he could find. I can't imagine eating any bug,

The third person in military service is my cousin Tim Hecke. I don't have the dates, but he was in the Marines for 4 years overseas. He just graduated from Indiana University, and is going into the AirForce very soon. I am very proud of him and what he has accomplished with his life.

Last but definitely not least, is my nephew Tres' Grissom. He has turned his life around and this past year has gone into the AirForce as well. I am also very proud of him and what he is doing with his life. Just a side note, he and his new bride are soon going to have a new baby, Congradulations to them.

I know this is long and probably you won't read all of it, that is ok. This was for me to show that I remember and am very grateful for those that give up their lives for me, that give up their lives with their families and give up their time for themselves, just so that we can all be free to do anything we want, within legal bounds of course.

I love my God, I love my family, I love my country and I love those that are serving it. Thank you to those that have made that sacrifice, I honor your memory and wish to give you the respect you deserve.

I will end here with this poem:

In Flanders Fields John McCrae, 1915.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved,
and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Better Picture

I wanted to add a better picture of Mom and Millie, at least I think it is better. Aren't they sooo cute!!! Hope you like it. Ok that was it. I haven't done much except work today. I am on a lunch break and don't have much time to write more, so I am off now to go back to work, have a great day...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Trying again...

Ok, I am going to try this again. I don't always feel like I have a story to tell, or that my life is very interesting. I have start somewhere, so I'll just start from today. I have been lucky enough to be working from home and sometimes Millie gets to go to work with me. Her job is to guard the homefront, from invading wild cats in the neighborhood. Her post is at the window next to my desk, pictures are provided. Occasionally she has to take a nap during work hours.

Other days when I have a long day scheduled she gets to spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa's

and play with her best friend and most favorite playmate, Holly.

Today she was at Holly's, and she had so much fun that when we got back home she had to have a nap.

Well I will have to add more at a later time, I am being growled at for some needed attention from Millie, the greatest little dog in the world.