Some of you were wondering what my brother Ted looks like, well thanks to one of my nieces, I can show you. Now normally I don't like photos of myself, but I figured you all know what I look like so what does it matter.
Me(Chris), Ted, Mom(Charlet), Molly, and Brian, this is also the order of our birth, except for Mom of course.
If you can't see it well enough, just put the cursor over the picture and click on it and it will take you to the whole picture.
Hi all, I tried to put these photos on facebook and can't figure out how to do it correctly, but I do know how to do it on my blog. I spent a quite a bit of time outside today, took a couple of walks with Millie and we took a long ride, her with her head out the window letting the wind blow her hair. She enjoys life so much, she is such a good example to me. So it was really cool when I saw the first cloud, which to me looked like a dog chasing a ball, and then I saw another, and I could see a variety of shapes in it. I got some very interesting interpretations on facebook, so I thought I'd share the pictures with the blog world. One of these days I will figure out how to put the photos correctly onto facebook. anyway...
I wanted to also share that it is the 30 year anniversary of my baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by Elders Knowles and Flemming. What a wonderful blessing to belong to the church whose foundation is Jesus Christ. How I do love the Savior, and I am grateful for all the blessings He has given me throughout the years. I have a learned a lot about His gospel, one of the greatest is to know that I am a child of God, the next is that I know that my redeemer lives!, next that the priesthood is restored and on the earth today, which leads me to the next blessing, that families can be sealed together forever. I am so glad I had this opportunity to reflect and share a part of my testimony with you, I hope you know that for those of you who follow my blog, that I love you, and I know God loves you, thankyou for your love and friendship....I say these things in the name of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ.
Yeah, the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining longer. I am sooo excited for spring, and especially so because I can't wait to start my garden. I have a few ideas of what I want to plant but I am hoping I have enough room for everything on my patio. As you can tell I have my computer up and running now so I can be more up to date on my blog, and I will definitely keep you all updated on my gardening adventure. By the way I hope you noticed I used butterflies for this blog, I love butterflies and wanted to share my joy of spring and the beauty of it.
My name is Chris, Millie is my little puppy or baby. I live in Ohio, am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am trying to be like Jesus, as best I can. I started this blog to share to share my testimony of the Savior, and share Millie's and my life with family,friends and the world.